10 Lessons from the Book of Joy

The Book of Joy –

His Holiness Dalai Lama,

Archbishop Desmond Tutu


Douglas Abrams


People seek happiness in the strangest places – in their phones, in the shops,on the internet, eating, drinking, drugs, materialism, consumerism, terrorism…

Yet this happiness is fleeting and superficial.

Joy brings meaning and purpose to life. Joy has depth and it endures.

Finding joy is simple. It is within you and yet it requires outward focus on your part.

There is much to learn from this book, from these 2 spiritual men.

Their beliefs are different in many ways. Many humans on this planet are unable to be friends with, let alone tolerate, someone whose spiritual beliefs are opposing to theirs.

Humanity would do well to observe and learn from these two men.

What I learnt from the book:

  1. Suffering is inevitable. How you respond to suffering is a choice. You can suffer in a way that ennobles rather than embitters.
  2.  Self-centeredness is the cause of much suffering. The drive behind excessive self-focus is to seek greater happiness. The irony is that it ends up doing exactly the opposite.
  3.  A passionate concern for the well-being of others is the source of joy.
  4. Materialism is concerned with sensory satisfaction that is limited and brief.
  5. Joy is a virtuous cycle: the more we turn towards others, the more joy we experience, The more joy we experience the more joy we can bring to others.
  6. Joy, love, compassion and generosity are contagious.
  7. Develop mental immunity by learning to avoid the destructive emotions and develop positive ones.  Take preventative measures against toxic and harmful thoughts.
  8. When we see others as separate they become a threat. When we see other as part of us, part of humanity then there is no challenge we cannot face together.
  9. Hope is the antidote to despair. Despair turns us inwards. Hope turns us into the arms of others.
  10. Joy is the reward of seeking to give joy to others.

Consciously bringing joy into your life, reverberates around your space and your life.

What will you do to bring joy?

“To choose hope is to step firmly forward
into the howling wind,
baring ones chest to the elements,
knowing that, in time,
the storm will pass”
Archbishop Desmond Tutu

About Kirsten Long

Coach. Toastmaster. Prison-worker. Wife. Mother. Friend.
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